Song of Hope - Educational Guides

Shai Tsabari: Al Tifchad (“Have no Fear”) - Educational Guide

May 06, 2024

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Shai Tsabari’s parents immigrated to Israel from Yemen; Tsabari himself was born in Bat Yam. A beloved Israeli singer known for his soulful music, Shai speaks about the difficulties the Israeli society as a whole and he personally faced following the tragedy of October 7, 2023.


For his song, Tsabari chose Ehud Banai’s Al Tifchad, a song that Banai dedicated to his father, the actor Yaakov Banai, after the latter had a heart attack. The song came out in 1992 to great success. The song's chorus refers to words attributed to Rabbi Nachman of Breslov that relate to faith in the human spirit: “If you believe that it is possible to destroy, believe it is possible to repair,” a song that Ehud Banai has performed multiple times for IDF soldiers to bolster their spirits in difficult moments.


When Tsabari was a teenager, and his cousin enlisted in a combat unit, Shai found himself listening to this song over and over to cope with the worry and longing. Since the current war broke out, Tsabari returns to this song again and again, hoping that it will serve, if only for a moment, as a glimmer of a lighthouse in the storm

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