original Sukkah design competition #8


BEIT AVI CHAI invites to cahnge the world

BEIT AVI CHAI invites you to think, dream and create a Sukkah with a message for the world.
Want to create change? Express an opinion?
Shed light on an important issue? Generate ideas?
This is the time to sign up for the prize-winning model Sukkah design contest!

First prize - 5000 NIS | Second prize - 3000 NIS | Third prize - 1000 NIS

A special prize for “The Group Sukkah” - the most impressive Sukkah designed by a group

The Sukkah models are to be created in the following parameters: 40 cm X 40 cm X 40 cm
Models not complying with the required measurements will be disqualified from participating in the exhibition


Last date for submitting the Sukkah models:
Tuesday, September 16th, by 2pm at BEIT AVI CHAI


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